
Debate Nice: Why do we disagree?

Debate Nice If children see adults who can’t listen to their opponents, disagree with respect and learn to step back in peace, then what hope for our future? We need to change ourselves and lead young people. Four Key Ideas Listen - commit to widen your network, take time to properly listen to those who oppose you, work to understand their perspective. People say things for a reason. What is that reason? It might not be obvious, but think. Respect - show your fellow humans respect, speak to them in a way that recognises they are your equal and protects their mental health. Life is a gift to all, be careful not to be complicit in anything that steals gift that from someone else. Agree - think about things, support the views you agree with, no matter where they come from. Avoid agreeing simply out of tribalism. Disagree - think about things, challenge the views you disagree with, no matter where they come from. Avoid disagreeing simply out of tribalism De